35% OFF MO-400 Outlook Associate Exam - Office 365 & Office 2019 - English version - 25 hours of access Coupon Codes | September 2024

MO-400 Outlook Associate Exam - Office 365 & Office 2019 - English version - 25 hours of access

MO-400 Outlook Associate Exam - Office 365 & Office 2019 - English version - 25 hours of access

License Discount Price Coupon Code
MO-400 Outlook Associate Exam - Office 365 & Office 2019 - English version - 25 hours of access
35% OFF
$31.79 $48.90
35% OFF $31.79 $48.90

Software Description

At a glance

  • Variety - 244 exercises for MO-400 Outlook Associate
  • Help - 242 incorporated Video Solutions, a unique one for each Question
  • Unlimited Tests - No limit to the times a question runs, unlike competitive software
  • Classification - Distinct subcategories
  • Feedback - Immediate evaluation of answers
  • Plenitude - It covers 100% the certification syllabus
  • Adequacy - Same environment as the exams’
  • Flexibility - Practice on any Computer
  • Updates - Access to updated version
  • More than 700.000 candidates have trusted TEST4U since 2003




How to pass the Outlook Associate MO-400 Exam?

The new version of TEST4U is fully compatible with the new MO 400 Exam (Office 365 and Office 2019):

  • TEST4U covers 100% the Exam Objectives, so that you will be 100% ready to ace the Outlook Associate (Office 365 and Office 2019) Exam.
  • The TEST4U training and examination environment incorporates the multiple projects format that Certiport has adopted since the MOS 2016 Exams.

Trust the structured, exam-focused training that the TEST4U experienced instructors have formed.
TEST4U Training is designed to guide you step-by-step during your learning path:

Step 1. Find out your existing level of skills with the Benchmark test.
Step 2. Train on the - 242 live, in application exercises.
Step 3. Take the Final Assessment test to verify your exam readiness.


MO-400 Outlook Associate - Office 365/2019


Certiport mentions that “Microsoft Office Specialist Program certification exams use a performance-based format testing a candidate’s knowledge, skills and abilities using the Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2019 programs:

  • Microsoft Office Specialist Program exam task instructions generally do not include the command name. For example, function names are avoided, and are replaced with descriptors. This means candidates must understand the purpose and common usage of the program functionality in order to successfully complete the tasks in each of the projects.
  • The Microsoft Office Specialist Program exam format incorporates multiple projects as in the previous version, while using enhanced tools, functions, and features from the latest programs.”

The purpose of the multiple smaller projects format is to enhance the learning process, by providing stronger assessment tools.

The revised exam instructions are designed in order to:

  • avoid command and function names
  • assure a deeper understanding of the program functionality.

Feel safe!

We have used our experience since 2003 and have taken all that into account before developing the new TEST4U Outlook Associate (Office 365 and Office 2019) Exam MO-400.




Success StoriesSuccess stories

Success story of Giuseppe Confalone

Giuseppe Confalone

Your MOS Excel Expert 2016 test suite has been a great help to prepare for the MOS Exam. The number and the variety of the exercises are vast and cover every possible inch. The tool itself is totally easy and intuitive to use. The videos in each task are fantastic, since it easily allows to clarify on a caseb by case level in case of uncertainty. The extensive preparation with your tool has enabled me to pass the test with 910 out of 1000 points in the first run. Great work. Am looking forward to using the other MOS Test suites for the next exams.




What to expect from an Outlook Associate MO-400 Certified User?

As Certiport has officially announced: “The Microsoft Certified Outlook Associate Certification demonstrates competency to customize the Outlook user interface format message content, create or insert graphic elements, and send and respond to emails and meeting requests.

The exam covers the ability to enhance professional correspondence, create calendars, and schedule appointments. Application examples include coordinating building resources, sending messages for marketing campaigns, planning staff meetings, and assigning meeting action items.

An individual earning this certification has approximately 150 hours of instruction and hands-on experience with the product, has proven competency at an industry associate-level and is ready to enter into the job market. They can demonstrate the correct application of the principle features of Outlook and can complete tasks independently.”




13 reasons why TEST4U is all you need to pass the MO-400 Outlook Associate 365/2019 Exam

  1. More than an E-course
    TEST4U is very different from an e-course. TEST4U will let you actively participate in the learning process, instead of just watching a video-lesson.
  2. Exams are performance-based. So is TEST4U
    The exams are performance-based, therefore Candidates are expected to be able to perform under a high pressure environment. Answering multiple choice questions is not helping you consolidate; learning how to perform multi-project tasks which are very similar to the ones you will face in the actual exam, is.
  3. TEST4U is a Tutor, only virtual
    Who doesn’t need instant feedback about how they just answered a question? Immediate evaluation of each of the answers you submit is the core idea behind TEST4U. But it’s not just a “right” or “wrong” message. It’s a dedicated video-solutions with the right steps to take in order to answer properly. This is what a real Tutor would do: Give you tasks to solve and guide you step-by-step, to demonstrate you the right way to approach each question.
  4. Covers 100% the Objective Domains by CERTIPORT
    With TEST4U you will cover 100% all the Objective Domains:
    • Manage Outlook Settings and Processes
    • Manage Messages
    • Manage Schedules
    • Manage Contacts and Tasks
  5. Includes 244 exercises for MO-400 Outlook Associate
    Not only are there too many questions to practice on, but they are of the same level of difficulty as compared to what you will face at the exams. Ok, yeah, some of them are slightly trickier, but the point is to learn, right?
    Solving them all will give you an increased sense of self-confidence during the exam and will help you learn how to manage your time better.
  6. Target your training
    Ok, you are familiar with many of the tools in Outlook. But not with everything. This is why TEST4U has broken down into categories the entire Syllabus, to help you personalize your training and focus in the less-known areas.
  7. Repeat, repeat, repeat
    As many times as you feel that you need to. There are no limits. You may practice on the same question again and again until you are satisfied with your results.
  8. Experience matters, but a brush-up is always a good idea
    Even if you are an experienced user, you will upgrade your knowledge to the latest version of Microsoft Office.
  9. Trust the Experts
    TEST4U is not another e-learning material. TEST4U is different. Our years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques have been incorporated in TEST4U. As a result, TEST4U covers 100% the syllabus of Certiport Certification Body.
  10. Access to the latest updates
    TEST4U provides access to the latest updated version of the TEST4U module you selected, all features included (new questions, updates e.tc.). Just login and the updated version will install automatically.
  11. Access TEST4U from anywhere!
    Do you need to access TEST4U from more than one PCs or locations? We encourage you to do so! TEST4U is the most flexible training platform, that allows you to train according to your account and does not commit you to a specific PC or Workstation.
  12. Take your time to try it!
    Download the TEST4U Demo which contains tests and exercises for practice, to try it out.
  13. TEST4U is more than widespread around the globe
    More than 700.000 Candidates have trusted TEST4U for their exam preparation since 2003. Be the next one.



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