0% OFF WebPoint PPT to HTML Converter Coupon Codes | September 2024

WebPoint PPT to HTML Converter

WebPoint PPT to HTML Converter

License Discount Price Coupon Code
WebPoint PPT to HTML Converter
5% OFF
$39.92 $49.90
5% OFF $39.92 $49.90

Software Description

WebPoint is currently the best software for converting your PowerPoint presentations to HTML format one that can be published on web or on local computers. The HTML pages it generated are highly standard and can be browsed in any modern web browser (including Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, IE and so on) on any system (include Windows, Mac OS, Linux and so on). So WebPoint is your best choice when you need to publish your presentation on Internet, or play your presentation on a computer without PowerPoint installed.

The HTML pages WebPoint generated are highly similar to the original PowerPoint files in appearance, including

  • Texts, tables, images, shapes and so on, are all converted on their right style, size and position
  • Slide transition effects and element show/hide effects are transformed to HTML based animations as similar as possible
  • Hyperlinks are still operable in converted file
  • Multiple HTML templates with different look and feels are selectable to display your presentations
  • Presentation can auto fit browser size in IE, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+ and Google Chrome

WebPoint also support:

  • Unicode for multi-language
  • Batch conversion

WebPoint is undoubtedly your best friend to build HTML presentations. Extend your PowerPoint to web today and enjoy the power of WebPoint!