20% OFF Lidor Systems Collector Coupon Codes | September 2024

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Lidor Systems Collector
20% OFF
$79.20 $99.00
20% OFF $79.20 $99.00

Software Description

Lidor Systems Collector  is a .NET class library  featuring advanced dockable windows and tabbed documents management solution. Here is what is included:
  • Design-time support with WYSIWYG functionality
  • Built-in context menu (watch the video) for easy manipulation with controls
  • Supports complex nested hierarchical structure of Collector controls
  • User interface created with Table Layout Engine for accurate position of WinForms
  • Headers with optional display of move, close, context-menu, auto-hide and expand/collapse button
  • Windows can be expanded/collapsed to maximize screen real-estate
  • Animated expand/collapse of windows for a great visual appeal, with controlled speed of animation
  • Ability to cancel the closing of tool and document windows
  • Detailed, highly flexible object and event model
  • Integrated help documentation
  • Illustrative sample projects and tutorials
Rendering and Style
  • Rendering interface with five Visual Styles (Default, Classic, Office 2003, Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005)
  • Support for WindowsXP Themes and color schemes (Blue, Olive Green, Silver and Windows Classic Styles)
  • Choose from 21 integrated color schemes or set your own color for every single part of the user interface
  • Gradient fill with 6 pre-build fill styles plus flat style (no gradient fill)
  • Support for Transparency (Alpha Blending)
  • Style inheritance
  • Automatically resize the controls based on the current font size
  • Add images to headers and tabs from a file or an ImageList
  • Watermark effect with a container image in Page control
  • AutoHide bar can resize to accommodate the size of tab's image
Docking Features
  • True WYSIWYG docking functionality
  • Manage advanced layouts on a form, like the one in Visual Studio .NET
  • Group several tool windows in one container, displayed with tabs
  • Tabs of tool windows can be aligned on any side of docked container
  • Tear off tabs from tool or document windows to create floating windows
  • Collapse tool windows in auto-hide mode on any side of client area
  • Multiple Dock-Hint Styles for exact dock location and size when a window is dragged over a potential dock target (RubberBand, TranslucentClone and TranslucentFill)
  • Reposition docked windows quick and easy with drag/drop
  • Each window can be in Static, Docked, Floating and Framed control state
  • Tool windows can be programmatically docked anywhere in the layout
  • Dynamically create new tool windows and document windows
  • Docking permissions and drag/drop operations for additional control over your application
  • Resize docked container controls with integrated ResizeBand
  • Resize floating tool windows at run-time
Tab and Tabbed MDI Features
  • Tab Control and Tabbed MDI functionality in one place
  • Tabbed MDI layout mode with optional display of close, select and scrolling buttons
  • Smooth scrolling of tabs with scrolling buttons
  • Standard MDI with tiled and cascaded windows
  • Groups or Pages can be displayed with tabs in container control
  • Drag tabbed MDI tabs to create new horizontal or vertical tab groups
  • Tabbed MDI documents can be converted in and from tool windows simply with drag/drop
  • Reorder tabs with drag/drop
  • Move tabs between containers at design-time or run-time simply by dragging and dropping on the exact location and position you want
  • Align tabs on any side of container control
  • Render tabs and tabbed MDI in five Visual Styles; OneNote look is easy to achieve
  • Three size modes of tabs for great control over their appearance (AutoSized, Compressed and Justified)
  • Tabs can be displayed with a disabled style
  • Control the tab size with spacing and padding properties
  • Access to the standard Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab methods for switching windows
  • Group and Page control can be set to be hidden
Visual Appearance
  • ToolWindow – emulates the docking functionality of Visual Studio .NET
  • Vertical - the look of Outlook 2003 Navigation Pane
  • Horizontal - multiple layouts of tabs with all combinations of top, left, right and bottom orientation
  • Selection- rotate through your panels with scrolling buttons, similar to Task Pane in Office products; each panel can contain multiple page tabs
Table Based Layout Engine
  • Align controls in nine positions
  • Choose from three different size types of rows and columns (Autosized, Fixed and Free) to easily arrange your controls
  • Work with nested tables
  • Merge and split cells
  • Select, insert and delete rows, columns and table
  • Operate with each cell, row or column in order to form, align and arrange the controls in the cells to achieve the best look for your application
  • Right-click context menu for easy manipulation with table
  • Table properties dialog box